Oh, Helen Viola Overboard

Yesterday, March 2, 2015, would have been my mother’s 100th birthday.

Helen Viola in 1938
Helen Viola in 1938

About a year ago I found some wonderful hand-dyed yarn at Dyeabolical Yarns and told my sister Lisbeth about it. We chuckled over the name of the yarn, “Viola Overboard”, because our mother, Helen Viola, did everything at 110% — definitely Overboard! Then Lis found a scarf pattern on Ravelry called “Oh, Helen!” And an idea was born! Lis knit two Oh Helen scarves in Viola Overboard and so did I.


She sent her extra to our sister Mern and I sent mine to our sister Barbara. We gave them very explicit instructions to open the packages on March 2nd, not before (I can’t begin to tell you how difficult this was for the two of them!). When they opened the packages, a note told them about the project and instructed them to send a photo.

Here’s our tribute to Helen Viola — we still miss her!

Mern (Mary Helen) in North Carolina


Lisbeth in Pennsylvania
Barbara in Idaho


Gretchen in Washington

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