Tag Archives: Fibonacci Stripes

Malcolm’s Scarf

Our daughter Michele recently gave us an early (very early!) wedding anniversary gift —

Seahawks vs Steelers
Seahawks vs Steelers

We’re so excited that we will be able to cross off “Attend a Pro Football Game” from our bucket list. On top of that it’s the Seahawks vs Steelers game! How awesome is that?? Michele’s friend Malcolm, a season ticket holder, gave them to her to give to us — AND we’ve never met him! What a guy!

As a thank you gift, I decided to knit a scarf for him in Seahawks colors. I checked out several patterns and actually created my own pattern by combining two of my favorites —
Fibonacci Scarf (always wanted to knit one of these!) by Deborah Cooke and Pressed Rib Cap & Muffler by Churchmouse Yarns and Teas. I decided to knit it flat in order to make a quicker knit. Seemed like a good idea at the time and the ribbed knit made front and back indistinguishable. See my notes on this not so “good idea” on my Ravelry Project Page.

I picked up some Simplicity Yarn by Hikoo — worsted weight and good Seahawks colors!











(Some day I’ll figure out how to get 3 photos in a row on my blog! Help?)






A size 10 needle seemed to do the trick, and I cast on for the scarf. All went well with the initial ribbing in blue. Then came the first Fibonacci stripe — one row of the green.


First Fibonacci Stripe
First Fibonacci Stripe

Yuk! Looked awful! So I did what I usually do in this situation — sent a text with photo to Claudia and Pat. They both agreed and offered several suggestions. In the meantime, I added another row in the green just to see what would happen.






Double Yuk!
Double Yuk!


Well, this didn’t help much. So I frogged a few rows and tried multiple solutions for the problem. I debated starting over completely with a different pattern, but then I started over with the green stripe and Lo and Behold!




Final Attempt -- Success!
Final Attempt — Success!


I discovered that if you let the rib be a rib and don’t over stretch it — the stripe looks fine! Who knew?? I also discovered that one row alone didn’t work!


So on I went using my modified Fibonacci pattern. My only withhold was all the ends I seemed to be accumulating!



I absolutely, completely, unequivocally, for sure, hate, can’t stand, don’t like, and detest weaving in ends and ordinarily I’ll do almost anything to avoid the dreaded task. But not much I could do here. So I worked on hoping against hope that the weaving fairy would miraculously show up in the middle of the night and take care of all those pesky ends!




Well, clearly that didn’t happen. So I just had to take the time and weave them in.

Wet Blocking
Wet Blocking

A good soaking and blocking makes this yarn so soft and cushy. Dried almost overnight!





And now, Malcolm, here’s your scarf. Thanks from the bottom of my heart through my knitting fingers!

Malcolm's Scarf Modeled by the Dark Lady
Malcolm’s Seahawks Scarf